Monday, April 19, 2010

So I am pretty sure I have a new favorite person

Oh Christina Hendricks! she's so witty! Wish I could spend the day with her! We could drink sugary coffee and go shopping and swap stories and I could try my damndest to not walk around in awe of her beauty! P.S. i think it is about time someone beat out Megan Fox
And here are a few of my favorites from her "A Letter to men" feature from Esquire:
We love your body. If we're in love with you, we love your body. Your potbelly, everything. Even if you're insecure about something, we love your body. You feel like you're not this or that? We love your body. We embrace everything. Because it's you.
We remember forever what you say about the bodies of other women. When you mention in passing that a certain woman is attractive — could be someone in the office, a woman on the street, a celebrity, any woman in the world, really — your comment goes into a steel box and it stays there forever. We will file the comment under "Women He Finds Attractive." It's not about whether or not we approve of the comment. It's about learning what you think is sexy and how we might be able to convey it. It's about keeping our man by knowing what he likes.

We also remember everything you say about our bodies, be it good or bad. Doesn't matter if it's a compliment. Could be just a comment. Those things you say are stored away in the steel box, and we remember these things verbatim. We remember what you were wearing and the street corner you were standing on when you said it.
Also, no tank tops. In public at least. A tank top is underwear. You're walking around in your underwear. Too much.
About ogling: The men who look, they really look. It doesn't insult us. It doesn't faze us, really. It's just — well, it's a little infantile. Which is ironic, isn't it? The men who constantly stare at our breasts are never the men we're attracted to.

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